DomusVi Foundation’s initiated an academic award in collaboration with « Demographic Transitions, Economics Transitions » chair’s which rewards studies work about intergenerational link.
Following its creation, Domusvi foundation made a commitment to promote people who publish research studies about intergenerational link, that’s why they created Yves Journel’s award. The objective is to encourage research work in the social sciences, economics, health, politics and urban planning to improve cohabitation between the generations.
The « Demographic Transitions, Economics Transitions » chair’s, a place of research and debate about ageing and longevity’s impact on society and economy in France, is naturally associated with this prize.
The Yves Journel university’s prize will be awarded in two categories: a research paper or a study, a thesis and the favorite one.
The jury will be composed by Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, president of the 'Demographic Transition, Economic Transitions' Chair’s and of the Rencontres Economiques d'Aix en Provence, as well as Jasmine Manet, executive director of Youth Forever, an association that deals with the major issues of the new generation, and co-founder of Vocation, a career guidance media.
Students, researchers and professors who wish to participate can submit their study on the intergenerational bond until 2 June 2023.