DomusVi has decided to set up family representation bodies at different levels according to the local context in each country where the group is established.
These representation bodies will represent families so that they can contribute more actively to the improvement of our offer, but they will also have an advisory function in the construction and deployment of tools made available to the structures to facilitate the tripartite relationship that is established in the establishment between a resident, his or her relatives and the team that supports them.
In France, the national family Council was created in May 2023. 25 relatives of people living in a DomusVi nursing home were selected by lot following a call for applications, and today form this national body for a 2-year term.

In Spain, 2023 was the year in which local family councils were deployed in all DomusVi residences. DomusVi Spain's national family council will be set up at the beginning of 2025.
The general principles governing the operation and missions of the National Family Council, as well as the role of its members, are set out in a Charter common to all the bodies to be set up in the countries where DomusVi operates.